Nassim Nicholas TalebŐs Pictures Available for Public Use


Most recent, Jan 2011 (credit Bloomberg)





Credit Sarah Josephine Taleb, c. 2010

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 in 2010, Credit Sarah Josephine Taleb (age 17) --for the next pictures...




November 2009, Palazzo Visconti. Free to use --but credit Attilio Bottura for IBL


Free to use --but credit Attilio Bottura for IBL







::Book Reviews:nntstudent.jpg

Student days



2009 (requires permission)












Nassim Nicholas Taleb in 2003, Picture by Harald Schreiber




Summer 2002, Barcelona, La Pedreira (Gaudi Building.) Private (permission required)



Nassim Taleb , in his office in New York City, c. 2003. Photo Harald Schreiber



In 1999. Freely Available


Time Lost 


Venice, Palazzo Something, March 2002. Photo Martine Tabet